Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Did you know that almost everyone you see is dehydrated? Do you notice how many people complain of lack of energy? Well, they are most likely dehydrated! And to top it off, they turn around and drink crazy amounts of caffeine, that actually dehydrates themselves even further! Sure, you say there is water IN the coffee, but that doesn't count at all.
Did you know that the 5 quarts of blood going through your body, are 90 percent water? You need to replenish this water often to support healthy circulation.
I just think it is sad that people don't take their bodies seriously. You wouldn't run a car with no gas, or oil, because why? It will break down! People take their incredible bodies for granted because it is so resilient.... For now that is.
If you take the time to learn healthy habits earlier in life rather than later, problems wont arise nearly so fast.
Drink your water guys. BUT, if you REALLY want to get that hydration up and damage repaired, better yet, drink EVOLV.
~Shanna McDonald
Leading Washington and the World to Evolv.

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