Thursday, September 2, 2010

How To Get Your Business Off To A Great Start!

This business is SO EASY!! Can you imagine having a home based business that pays out up to $50k a week (that is just ONE stream of pay), and all you do is Give, Share, and Evolv.
Imagine you just signed up as a distributor. You too have watched the DVD and have tried Evolv. And you loved it! You feel better, and you are excited to share this with others. You went to and you ordered your package. (You should get the package with the most tools you possible. The bigger the better. You wouldn't open a restaurant without the food, or the utensils to cook, so why would you start a business like this without the quad packs, the brochures, dvd's and of course as much Evolv as possible?) You then went to and ordered your dvd's, and you are waiting anxiously for it all to arrive.
So what now? First, MAKE A LIST! DO NOT go blabbing to all your friends and family when you do NOT have the product to share with them! So spend some time preparing for your business. You don't usually start a job without some training, so take this time to get mentally prepared and organized. Get to know your back office, your website. Really soak it all in. I also recommend getting some good books, Such as Robert Kiyosaki's The Business of the 21st Century, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, any John C. Maxwell books and so on. Set up an office. It doesn't have to be fancy, just a place you can go to have all your information. A place to write, make phone calls, you name it. You will just feel more professional.
Regarding your list, you want to write down all the people you know that consume water, breath oxygen, and so on. This means pretty much everyone you know. But since you probably didn't buy enough Evolv for EVERYONE, start with the people you think could use it the most. Or your most influential people. Pastors, teachers, big business owners (since they understand the power of owning your own business) etc. OR people who suffer health challenges. Usually those who are sick or unhealthy are lacking oxygen more than others. SO they will feel so much better after having Evolv.
You've received your order. YAY!!! Now it gets exciting. Make as many quad packs as you can, grab your list, and start calling away!! "What do I say?" you ask? Easy, here it is "Hey there ____! This is Shanna (your name of course) Are you going to be home (pick a time)? I have something I would like to drop off. I will be in and out, I can't stay, so will you be there?" Usually they will say yes,and if they ask for more, just say you don't have time to talk, but they will see tomorrow. (or whenever you chose to drop it off. That is IT! Then when you get there, be as quick as possible. Just hand them a quad pack, and the DVD. Say something like, "I just thought of you, and had to share. Watch this DVD, and it will explain everything. Can I follow up with you in a few days and to get my DVD back? AND THAT, my friend is it! Pretty easy right? Just let the DVD do all the work for you! All you have to do, is get it in their hands.
So you give them a couple days to watch it, and then you call them up to see what they liked best. Either they will be a customer, or they will want to be a distributor because they see how easy it is too! And you then teach them exactly what I just taught you! Super easy. Super duplicateable. And that is how you build an incredible business. Just Give, Share, Evolv. Over, and over again. That is true residual income.
Shanna McDonald
~Leading Washington and the World to Evolv

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Quest for the Million

Come join us July 24th for our Team Washington Regional Event. You will meet rockstar Presidential Director Garrett McGrath and the rest of the Team Washington leaders. There will be great food, great music and incredible people. In the Grand Ballroom at the famous Poodle Dog Cafe in Fife. Event begins at 6pm. The cost is only $5 per person. (like really? with food? YUP!!) PLUS!! We will be having a prize drawing for a one night getaway vacation to The Quinault Casino! Which includes a one night stay, dinner voucher and game play. We will show you how YOU can be in the running to win 1 MILLION DOLLARS in November! Contact Ryan at 253-905-9054 or Shanna at 253-906-812 for your ticket. This will be a GREAT NIGHT and the beginning of your QUEST FOR THE MILLION!!
~ Ryan and Shanna McDonald
Leading Washington and the World to Evolv

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer heat and Evolv

Well, it is that time of year my friends, and we all know that when it gets a little warmer out, and your playing a little harder, dehydration can be a big threat. Water is a critical element to the body, and adequate hydration is a must to allow the body to function. Up to 75% of the body is made up of water. Most of that water is found in the cells of the body.
So why is it so important to drink more water during the summer months? Well, it is because your body loses more water during the summer. Did you know that you lose water when you breath? As humidifies air leaves the body? Through sweat? And of course from using the bathroom. But I think we all know we are way more active during the summer. We may partake in certain beverages that are prone to dehydrate you. Either way, it is crucial to drink more, and more.
Why Evolv? Why not just regular tap water? Well for one, Evolv is NOT regular tap water. It has the formula Archea Active in it. Actually it is 50% Archea Active and 50% natural spring water. It literally oxygenates the cells and therefore hydrates at the same time. Basically it OPENS up the cells to let the good stuff in! No tap water can do that.
So when you are running around on the beach with family and friends, or celebrating with an alcoholic beverage, just make sure you take your Evolv with you as well. Your body will thank you for it, believe me. And especially don't forget about those little ones. They really know how to run around like crazy, and those juice boxes are not enough. Their little bodies need it probably even more than you do. They are growing so fast, and are using a ton of energy to do that. So be sure to get enough for them as well.
Shanna McDonald
~Leading Washington and the World to Evolv

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Local Events You Can Attend!

Would you like to learn more about our vision or to try Evolv for yourself? We have weekly meetings in the Tacoma Area, every Tuesday, and Thursday at 7, Friday luncheon at 11:30, and Saturday's are at different times, (usually am, early afternoon) We would love to meet you. We are a fun loving, exciting group that just wants to help others financially and health wise. We are NO PRESSURE Guaranteed! Come check us out. Call me to find out more about locations. Shanna at 253-906-8152
~Shanna McDonald
Leading Washington and the World to Evolv

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More John Hunter video clips

Just more proof that Evolv is NOT just water. It is science. Watch this link.
More John Hunter video clips
~Shanna McDonald
Leading Washington and the Wolrd to Evolv