Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So, sometimes life throws you curve balls. You get a little off track, and you feel pushed off course. How do you get back on? Sometimes that is easier said than done. What I am doing to get back into the game is to right down my goals once again. Just because I did them once does not mean I shouldn't do it again. A clear description of what you want, and how you are going to get it, reignites that passion, and drive. We must never give up on those dreams and goals. They are always still there waiting for you. And even if you go around them, it doesn't mean they don't still exists on your road map to life. Kind of like a video game. All the coins on that level don't ever go away. Sometimes you just have to run to get through, but you can always go back and pick them up when you can.
Shanna McDonald
Leading Washington and the World to Evolv.

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