Friday, February 26, 2010

Evolv Compensation Overview

Check this out to find out how Evolv can work for you.

~Shanna McDonald. Leading Washington and the World to Evolv.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Quote

■“Let me put it bluntly: anyone who says that money isn’t important doesn’t have any! Rich people understand the importance of money and the place it has in our society. On the other hand, poor people validate their financial ineptitude by using irrelevant comparisons. They’ll argue, “Well, money isn’t important as love.” Now, is that comparison dumb or what? What’s more important, your arm or your leg? Maybe they’re both important." ~T. Harv Eker
~Shanna McDonald. Leading Washington and the World to Evolv.

Are you MLM hesitant?

So, your still not sure about this whole MLM thing. Well, I have many skeptic friends, and family that don't really get into this sort of "stuff", simply out of lazyiness to think outside the box. They have been trained for years, even decades of how to "work". Go to school, get a good job, and that is it. And you know what? That is OK! But there is more. I have been in this business for a long time know, and with all my knowledge, and experience, I KNOW, it is real. The numbers don't lie, the products always do what they say they do. But when you get right down to it. The people are the ones that are responsible for their failure. NOT THE SYSTEM. You cant be just anyone here. I mean you can, but it will take some work on your part. You can just sign up as a distributor and expect a windfall of cash to fall in your lap! You have to treat it like a business.! If get with the right company, the right team of support, the right product, YOU WILL SUCCEED!
When you get in a company at the right place, the right time, and really plug yourself into the group of people there to support you, you wont want to go back. I am telling you. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO GO BACK!!! It is TOO powerful. But you have to want it. You have to tell yourself, "THIS IS IT! I am no longer letting my life be controlled by someone else! I am taking full responsibility for my success. I am going to live the life of my dreams, and I am going to help thousands do the SAME!!!" Thats is the really exciting part! Letting go of your fear! Breaking the chains! Setting yourself FREE from the mundane!
This industry creates more millionaires than ANY OTHER BUSINESS MODEL!! Why is that?? Out of Doctors, Lawyers, traditional business owners etc. It creates More millionaires. Why? Because it WORKS! That is why. Because the ones that make it big, say exactly what I was just declaring! AND THEY DONT STOP TILL THEY GET IT!! Wanna get out of your cubicle??? Wanna fire your boss??? Tired of your J.O.B. (just over broke)?? Sick of working for someone who just looks at you as an employee number not a real human?? Well, stand up and SCREAM IT! "I AM WORTH MORE!!!!!" "MY TIME IS PRECIOUS!!!" I CAN TO IT!!!"
I love that. Getting down to what really counts guys. YOU. Your time here is so valuable. Dont waste it doing something you hate. There are options. YOU HAVE OPTIONS!! Use them! If not with me, go somewhere else. They are EVERYWHERE! No just go do IT! No more excuses.
~Shanna McDonald. Leading the world to Evolv.
Get deeper into Archea Active. See the clinical studies from M.D. Cancer Research Center. Go to to see the incredible results.
~Shanna McDonald. Leading Washington and the world to Evolv.

Dr. Jay Collins - Formula Co-Inventor of Evolv, The Evolv Enhanced Water Beverage

Dr. Jay Collins - Formula Co-Inventor of Evolv, The Evolv Enhanced Water Beverage
Click on the link above to watch video
Just to get an idea of how this incredible product came to be. Thank you Gene Kaiser, and Dr. Jay, and Dr. jock Collins. Your gift from God is being truly helping thousands.
~Shanna McDonald, Leading Washington and the world to Evolv.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The MLM mis-conception.

What comes to mind when you think of Network Marketing? "Oh no, I will never join one of those things. "or "My aunt Bobby Sue did that, and it never worked" or even, "Man, the only ones that get rich are the ones at the top". Well, there are some truths to those ideas, and whatever your reason is, I am sure it is a good reason to you. But ask yourself, are you coming to those conclusions because of lack of knowledge?
Well, lets start with response #1. Never say never. When an opportunity is at your door, and these "things" keep presenting themselves, maybe you should take a closer look. Go to the event you have been invited to. Make an educated decision and go from there. #2. Your aunt Bobby Sue failed at it, but why should you? Are you everybody? Are you average? There are several factors to why it did not work out for her. Maybe she couldn't take the no's, or maybe she didn't do EVERYTHING she could have. Maybe she listened to too many people telling her she wouldnt or couldn't do it. Don't judge your own success on others failures. Excuse #3. You know why the top income earners make so much money?? Because they did not listen to the number 1's, and 2's!! They keep going, non stop. This is not a get rich quick business. It takes work, dedication, and a will to succeed. Most of them have failed at one point, but that doesn't stop them, because they know they can do it!
Just don't settle for the same mundane line of work if it is not fullfilling. If you are not loving what you are doing, there could be something out there for you even better. This industry has so many different avenues. From cosmetics, home, health, legal, cellphones, automotive stuff, almost anything you can think of, I bet there is a Network Marketing company out there for you. Just don't be so quick to assume it is not for you. It could be exactly what you are looking for.
~Shanna McDonald. Leading Washington and the world to Evolv.

Trey White - Chairman and Founder, The Story of Evolv

Trey White - Chairman and Founder, The Story of Evolv
Click on the link above to view Trey White's interview
~Shanna McDonald. Leading Washington and the World to Evolv.
So, what made me choose Evolv? Out of the thousands of Network Marketing companies out there, why did I, along with my Team Inspirit family choose this one. Well, it is quite simple. It has the biggest potential! There are so many companies out there, and they are pretty much all the same. I came from a great company with a great product. But after a while, we noticed that we were not quite as unique as we thought we were. When the company decided to eliminate its network marketing sector, we couldn't really stay. We had goals and dreams bigger than what they were offering.
Not only is this product unique, the opportunity is incredible. It was a unanimous decision. This company is the real deal folks. More to come.
~Shanna McDonald. Leading Washington and the world to Evolv.
Welcome to my blog. I am very excited to share my journey about this great opportunity called Evolv. My blog purpose is to educate, share ideas, inspire, motivate, and also just to put my own thoughts out to the world. If I dont get a view, hey. thats ok. This is kind of my journal more than anything. So with that said, thank you for Evolv'ing with me, and get ready to change your outlook on life.